Debunking Myths about Human Trafficking to protect our kids
It is time to debunk the myths about human trafficking and realize what it really is.
Let’s take control back from those that would like to do nothing more than making money off of our children and potentially destroy their lives.
How do we do that, but educating ourselves on what Human trafficking really is?
Did you know that the majority of Human trafficking happening in our area, is happening to our own children, living in our homes and we don’t even know?
It is not typically, what we think which is like the movie “Taken” where teens, and or little children are kidnapped, thrown in a van, confined to a room and sold. It is our sons and daughters being sold a dream and being treated like a queen by this “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”, looking like a normal relationship, while living at home.
Protecting your children is our primary goal as parents. Knowledge can help you do that. I wished I had known before my daughter got caught up in it. But regrets don’t fix anything. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and my daughter is now one of the strongest people I know. If sharing our experience with you all will help save one child from having to go through the same then, then it was at least worthwhile.
There are a few resources we talk about in the video, but one of the best ones I found was Rally for the Challenge and they are also one of the few that allowed me to use some of their graphics on this video.
Victim services Ontario: Look online for the one closest to you in Canada.
Victim support UK: Look online for the closest one to you in the UK
Living in Community: is the link Carly talked about in the video near the end.
If you have any questions or comments please see the bottom of this post.
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