Family Therapist & Coaches
Finding the right Therapist or Coach can make all of the difference.
Talking about Sex Trafficking as in all difficult subjects can be challenging. Having a coach who is experienced in the topic of Sex Trafficking but also in all parenting issues is essential.
Click on each name to learn more about each coach, and find the right fit for you.
Karen Colleluori Wagnon: Blended family, Parenting Blueprints
Parent by Design with Karen Wagnon
Human Behavior Specialist
Parent Coach
I had an opportunity to attend Lynda Harlos’s, Sex Trafficking and Abusive Relationship Prevention workshop. As a mom and stepmom to 7 kids with 10 grandchildren, this was a total eyeopener as to how easy it can be for someone to wander into our child’s life and build a level of trust that can alienate and even separate them from us as they begin to meet their emotional needs.
With a background in human behavior and temperaments, I have the tools needed to help you meet your child’s internal emotional needs so they do not become vulnerable to someone else stepping to meet those needs.
When emotional needs are not met, we tend to experience disruptive behaviors: defiance, illogical behaviors, or even shut down and withdrawing. We naturally want to address the external behaviors and not look deeper into the “why”. Understanding the “why” is key to your child feeling seen, heard, and understood by you and not seeking validation elsewhere.
If you are struggling to stay connected with your child, especially through the tween/teen years, let’s talk and see if putting together a Parenting Blueprint is a fit for you.
Email: ka***@te**************.com
Désirée Ferrari
Parenting with Désirée:
While attending Lynda’s free Sex Trafficking Prevention course, she said something that really stuck with me: Traffickers are listening and paying attention to what our kids need and they’re doing whatever it takes to meet our children’s needs. Traffickers are building safety and trust with our kids and making sure our kids feel seen, heard, and validated. I want to help YOU build safety and trust with your kids and make sure they feel seen, heard, and validated BY YOU so they aren’t so vulnerable and susceptible to traffickers and so your relationship with your kids is a strong, close, loving relationship you want it to be and they turn to YOU when they need something.
You can reach me at
Steven Procopio, ACSW, LICSW
Steven is a licensed independent clinical social worker who is a trainer, consultant and therapist for males with complex trauma. His expertise is in the area of childhood sexual abuse, sexual assault, human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. He is the founder of the first free-standing program to serve commercially sexually exploited boys, adolescent males and trans youth in the United States.
His present professional work is with boys, adolescent males and men with a history of trauma, with a focus on sexual victimization. Steven is a trainer and consultant for the Office of Victims of Crime Human Trafficking Center, and the National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center. He is a member of the United Nations Global Human Trafficking Task Force representing the needs of male victims internationally. Steven has taught and presented on the issues of male victimization nationally and internationally, consulting with various groups on the effects of male childhood sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation. He also works with non-profit groups on program development.
Steven has recently worked with Unitas North America on a prevention and education curriculum of commercial sexual exploitation to be administered in the New York City public school system. Steven has also served on the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Task Force on Human Trafficking.
Steven has worked with executive directors of AIDS service organizations on the design, implementation and evaluation of case management systems for DPH-funded programs in Massachusetts, developing coordinated services based on a continuum of care. Steven’s youth services experiences included working as an adolescent therapist and as a director of a youth shelter for runaway/homeless youth.
Steven is a graduate of the University of Connecticut School of Social Work.
Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
Rosaland is a Divorce & Co-Parenting Coach, recognized as
Jesse Sweed